Introducing Biscuit Break

by jeanieransom on February 22, 2010

The Biscuit Brothers: Nemo and Luke

Greetings! We’re Luke and Nemo, aka The Biscuit Brothers, and author Jeanie Ransom’s office assistants. Our job is to take care of general office duties (fetching pens, watching for the mail, cleaning up spills, etc. etc.) and to keep a close eye on Jeanie AT ALL TIMES to make sure she is writing.

Because if she’s not writing, she’s probably checking her email for the sixth time that day, doing laundry, baking cookies, making a café mocha (seriously, Jeanie, you just had a coffee two hours ago!), or otherwise avoiding what’s called “butt in chair.” That means staying in one spot (something we dogs are good at) and writing.

We’re working on getting Jeanie better trained, and plan to share tidbits and tips on the writing process once a week on this blog. Look for our post, Biscuit Break, starting next week!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Matt March 24, 2010 at 9:54 am

I love it!

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