You’ve Just Won a Million Dollars! Now What?

by jeanieransom on January 6, 2010

You know those questions like “If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?” or “If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?” or “If your house was on fire and you only had time to save three things and still get out alive, what would they be?”

These questions often are used as “ice breakers” or conversation starters, or occasionally, as pick-up lines posed by socially-awkward people.  But what if you asked these questions of the main character of your book? What about the main character’s boss, best friend, or arch nemesis?

And what if one of your characters asked another what three things they’d want if they were stranded on a desert island? Would they answer truthfully, to impress, or to deceive the other person? These trite little “ice breakers” may reveal more than you think.

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