Raising Readers

by jeanieransom on August 21, 2009

Every summer for as long as I can remember, I always had a book in my hands – or, if I was swimming or riding my horse, I had my book parked within easy reach.

This summer has been no different, except that I don’t have the luxury of spending long hours lounging by the pool, and instead of caring for a horse, I now have a husband, three boys and two dogs.  But I read whenever I can, and love nothing more than settling into bed at night with a good book and a decaf latte. On any given night, chances are I’m not the only one burning the midnight oil with a book.

My husband also is an avid reader, as our sons, ages 20, 17, and 13. On a recent vacation in Michigan, we all brought along plenty to read, and read we did. Even though my husband and I hope that we had something to do with raising three wonderful readers, our boys’ literary tastes are all their own.

The last night of our vacation, we had a campfire on the beach. After the s’mores were consumed, one of the boys asked each of us the title of our favorite book. My husband and I were hard pressed to name any one title, or even two, maybe because we’ve read so many books over the years, or because our memories are not what they used to be, or both.

So we turned the discussion over to the boys, who proceeded to remind one another of various books they’d all read and loved, including The Giver, Hatchet, and the Harry Potter series. Our two oldest sons recommended that their little brother read Catcher in the Rye. I’m sure that he will. Like most little brothers, he wants to be like his older siblings.

I’m glad that my husband and I have raised readers. I can’t imagine a life without books.  It makes me sad when I talk to kids at the schools I visit who don’t like to read. I tell them that they just haven’t yet met the right book, and encourage them to explore the world of words at their local library or bookstore.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a reader yourself, plus maybe a writer, a teacher, or both. I don’t have to tell you that reading is rewarding. But I do hope you’ll tell others, whether it’s reminiscing about your favorite childhood books or recommending a recent title to a friend or co-worker. Enthusiasm for reading is contagious, as my husband and I have learned with our children. I hope that you’ve found time to read a few books this summer. But even more than that, I hope that you’ll talk about the books that you love – or that you loved growing up – with others in your life.

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