Welcome to My Website!
I’m a children’s picture-book author and former elementary school counselor with a penchant for puns and a fondness for fractured fairytales. My award-winning books include “What Really Happened to Humpty?” a Children’s Choice winner and one of Booklist’s “Top 10 Best Children’s and YA Mysteries of the Past Ten Years,” and “The Crown Affair,” a Children’s Choices nominee selected for the ILA/CBC 2016 Children’s Choices Reading List.
I’ve written several books to help kids and the adults in their lives address topics ranging from divorce to bullying. including”Don’t Squeal Unless It’s’ a Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales,” and my two newest titles,”Big Red and the Little Bitty Wolf” and “There’s a Cat in Our Class!”
I’m lucky to have a job I can do anywhere there’s Internet service and a post office, so I have two places I call “home” — O’Fallon, MO, and Northport, MI. I also have two “office assistants” who can’t answer the phone or type worth a darn, but they keep me company while I’m writing in exchange for biscuits and beach time.
For updates on what I’m doing and where I’ll be next, be sure to visit my Facebook Author Page. To email me, just click on the contact link at the top of the page.